Valve type: barred tee
Design code: ASME B31.8, AME B16.9 & MSS SP75
Design Information:
Ending: BW AS PER MSS SP-75 & ASME B16.25
Size: 56″x36″
Corrosion allowance: 0
Design factor : 0.6
Design temperature C: (Min/Max)-10/85
Design pressure barg: 97
Inline thk”t”: 22.225mm
Outline thk”t”: 18mm
No. Of bars: 5(to confirmed by vendor)
Plate thickness of bar: 20mm(to be confirmed by vendor)
Hydrotest pressure barg: 1.5 x design pressure
Service: sweet feed gas
Material information:
Body: ASTM A860 WPHY65
Guided bars:ASTM A694 F65
Connecting plate: ASTM A694 GR.F65
Additional requirements:
-All carbon steel materials must be impact-tested at -29deg.C in accordance with ASME 31.3(Para 323.3)
-Alignment bars to be square end cut and corner ground to contour of crotch&flush mounted in line with the inside wall of run pipe.
-Fillet welds of bars must not extend into crotch of tee.
-Bar material is hot rolled mild steel palte compatible with tee body maerial unless otherwise specified.
-Per standard practice welding is permitted on plate type bars in order to matain the specified clearance of tee.
-This dimension shall be same as bar plate thickness used in outlet. It may vary due to outlet height available.
-Square end cut round all sharp corners to 3mm radius.