S32205 of ASTM A276 – Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Scope of ASTM A276
This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds,squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2) for general corrosion resistance and high-temperature service are covered in a separate specification.
Ordering Information
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this specification. Such requirements may include but are not limited to the following:
1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces),
2 Name of material: stainless steel,
3 Form (bars, angles, and so forth),
4 Condition ,
5 Finish (Section 8 of Specification A484/A484M),
6 Surface preparation of shapes (Section 8 of Specification A484/A484M),
7 Applicable dimensions including size, thickness, width, and length, l,
8 Cross section (round, square, and so forth),
9 Type or UNS designation,
10 ASTM designation and date of issue, and
11 Whether bars are to be rolled as bars or cut from strip or plate.
12 Test for magnetic permeability when specified by customer purchase order when ordering Types 201 and 205.
13 Choice of testing track from the options listed in Test Methods A1058 when material is ordered to an M suffix (SI units) product standard. If the choice of test track is not specified in the order, then the default ASTM track shall be used as noted in Test Methods A1058.
14 Supplementary requirements, and
15 Additional requirements.
UNS number: S32205 (ferritic-austenitic stainless steel)
Chemical Requirements, max,%
C: ≤0.030
P: ≤0.030
S: ≤0.020
Si: ≤1.00
Cr: 22.0-23.0
Ni: 4.5-6.5
Mo: 3.0-3.5
N: 0.14-0.20
Heat Treatment
Solution treat and quench: ≥1020 °C
Cooling media: liquid
Quenching cool below 260℃
Tensile Requirements
Tensile Strength: ≥655MPa
Yield Strength: ≥450MPa
Elongation2 in. or 50 mm (or 4D): ≥25%
Brinell Hardness, HBW: ≤290